Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 

Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks (Zone S)

The consultation for Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks (Zone S) has now closed. The decision to implement a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in this area has been made by the Cabinet Member for Transport, Parks and Sport.

View the decision report and reasons why the CPZ is being implemented below:

The parking zone in the area will operate Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6.30pm. 

Project details

In July 2021, the council carried out a statutory consultation regarding the implementation of a controlled parking zone in the Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks area.

What you said

A total of 382 representations were received. A report including all objections was submitted to the Cabinet Member for Transport, Parks and Sport for determination. All objections as well as our wider transport policy were considered. The proposals were approved and we're now in a position to commence with the implementation of the controlled parking zone.

Next steps

The implementation of the scheme was put on hold due to the pandemic. It's programmed to be delivered between June to August 2022 and will go live on 5 September 2022.

A letter was sent to all addresses in the area advising them of these dates, and where and how to purchase parking permits and visitor vouchers. A copy of the letter can be viewed below, as well as information about where you can purchase permits.

Further information


Page last updated: 01 June 2022


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