Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We have changed websites.

Please visit to access our new and improved website.

Buying or selling used cars

Buying a used vehicle

If you're buying a used vehicle, there may be outstanding parking tickets against it. Make sure you keep the following documents as evidence in order to prove when you purchased the vehicle:

  • a copy of a valid insurance document
  • a copy of the full V5 document valid and submitted to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
  • a valid receipt for the purchase of the vehicle
  • evidence of the Vehicle Tax
  • evidence of monies or record of monies being transferred on the approximate date of purchase

Selling your vehicle

If you're selling your vehicle, it's your legal responsibility to update the DVLA about the change of keeper. It may be that parking tickets issued against it after the sale are sent to you if the keeper details are not updated with the DVLA. Make sure the following documents are kept as evidence in order to protect yourself from any future liability after the sale of your vehicle:

  • a copy of the cancellation of the insurance document
  • a copy of the full V5 document valid and submitted to the DVLA prior to the time of contravention
  • a valid receipt for the sale of the vehicle
  • evidence of the cancellation of the Vehicle Tax
  • evidence of monies or record of monies being received on the approximate date of sale
  • details about how the vehicle was advertised for sale and a copy of any advertisement of sale that was responded to

Page last updated: 27 September 2022


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