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New lighting installed in Burgess Park to improve safety

9 October 2024

Local students walking home after dark will now benefit from a newly lit pathway in Burgess Park, thanks to a joint effort between Ark Walworth Academy and Southwark Council. The lighting columns, designed to improve visibility and safety for children using the park, were part-funded by the school and match-funded by the council.

The project was launched in response to community concerns about the safety of young people walking through the park after school hours, particularly during the darker winter months. The new lighting is part of a broader commitment by the council to improve safety across the borough.

However, while the lighting is a significant improvement, the council urges parents, and carers to remind their children that, where possible, they should avoid walking through the park after dark. There are alternative , well-lit routes around the area that can be used.

The project is part the School Superzone programme which aims to tackle the wider determinants of health around schools to benefit the health and wellbeing of children. The council received a grant from the Greater London Authority (GLA) to take actions to improve the health environment around this school.

To ensure this project was co-produced by the council and the school, a “Dragon’s Den” style workshop was held in Mach 2023 where students gave their suggestions on improvements to the area. One of the main topics discussed was “community safety” and students raised concerns about walking through the park in the winter months due to the darkness. They suggested extra lighting to make them feel safer during this time.

For those who do need to walk through the park, here are some important safety tips:

  • Walk with friends or in groups whenever possible.
  • Stay alert by keeping phones and headphones away.
  • Stick to well-lit paths and avoid taking shortcuts.
  • Let someone know your route and when to expect you home.

Councillor Natasha Ennin, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Neighbourhoods, said: “No child should feel unsafe on their way home from school. These lights are a practical measure to improve safety for students walking through Burgess Park after dark. While it’s not ideal for children to be walking through the park at night, we realise it happens, and this installation is about making sure they’re safer when they do. We’re proud to work have worked with Walworth Academy to make this happen”.

Scott Barnes, Assistant Principal at the Ark Walworth Academy, said: “After a long campaign our students are delighted that the lights have now been installed.  They believe they will make journeys in their community safer."

The Schools and Youth Sergeant for Lambeth and Southwark at the Metropolitan Police has also agreed to run personal safety workshops with the school and where possible help to support the students across the park safely.

The council is committed to continuing its work with schools and local partners to make our public spaces safer for everyone.

Page last updated: 09 October 2024

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