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Listening to our young people

7 March 2024

On Monday, March 5, Southwark Council ran a Streets for People workshop with children at St Francis Roman Catholic School in Peckham.

During the session, children were given the opportunity to talk about the places they live, and make bunting, illustrating what they would like to see changed in their own streets and neighbourhoods.

Pupil asking Streets for People question

They also asked questions of Cllr James McAsh, Cabinet Member for the Climate Emergency, Clean Air and Streets, who is also a primary school teacher.

“As part of Streets for People, we are asking residents and communities about the changes they would like to see in their neighbourhoods, such as more trees, green spaces, cycle hangars, seating, or more space to play and socialise. Listening to the views of children and young people is an important part of that work; and their views will inform our plans for the borough.

“77 per cent of young people who responded to our transport survey last year said they are worried about the impact of climate change, and called for leaders to take ambitious and urgent action on climate change so that they have a chance for a bright future.”

The school’s Deputy Headteacher Sonia Miguez Jorge said: “The children had a great time and it is always nice giving young people a voice so they feel heard by the community.”

Class teacher, Ansuyah Naidoo, added: “The class really enjoyed the workshop with Streets for People. The children were given the opportunity to express their views on their local area: what they liked, disliked and the changes they would like to make. They created an inspiring banner, which reflected their ideas on how their locality could be further improved to make it an even better place to live in. The workshop promoted a sense of self worth, where the children felt their opinions were valued and they could make a difference and improve their surroundings, if they shared their views of what is important to them.”

The council has also held workshops at St James’ Church of England School in Bermondsey, Dog Kennel Hill Primary School, Crampton Primary School, Lyndhurst Primary School, Harris Primary Academy Peckham Park School, Brunswick Park Primary School, and Albion Primary School, with plans to visit many more.

Participating schools earn points towards their Transport for London Travel for Life scheme, which inspires young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling.

Young people can also respond to an online survey, asking about the changes they would like to see in their streets:

Under 18s who would like to respond to our survey online should visit https://southwark.typeform.com/yourvoice

The over 18s survey is at https://consultations.southwark.gov.uk/streetsforpeople/

The survey closes 31 March 2024.

The feedback from all of our engagement work will help us decide on the things we need to do over the next few years, leading to real, visible improvements in your neighbourhood.

Page last updated: 11 March 2024

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