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New Cost Of Living support schemes announced

8 November 2022

Today, a cost of living summit, hosted by Southwark Council, brings together professionals from across the public sector: the NHS, schools and council officers, as well as voluntary, charity and community sector representatives to unite in support for those suffering financial crisis.

At the event, Leader of Southwark Council, Kieron Williams, has announced three new schemes to support people through the cost of living crisis in Southwark:

Southwark Energy Savers

The council is funding a new Southwark Energy Savers Service. Delivered by Citizens Advice Southwark, this will provide energy advice to those in Southwark affected by rising energy bills and the cost of living crisis. The service will be available face to face, by phone and online to anyone who lives or works in Southwark.

Warm Spaces

Working with the council’s VCS partners, warm spaces have been created across the borough, including in libraries and halls, where residents can go to keep warm, have a cup of tea or take part in an activity this winter. The council is also working with the local voluntary and community sector to provide Warm Packs for residents who are housebound.

Southwark Cost of Living Fund: Round Two

Today launches phase two of the council’s Cost of Living Fund, worth £2.7m. This will target residents in need who were not eligible for Government cost of living payments, as well as the most vulnerable residents who may have received these payments but are in need of extra support.

Councillor Kieron Williams, Leader of Southwark Council, said: “We have an incredible community in Southwark which cares for each other like family and we’re working as a whole borough to address this challenge. It is heart breaking that our residents are suffering poverty and the stress of not knowing how to pay their bills or feed their families. That’s why I am pleased to announce further ways we can support them through this crisis including a further £2.7m of support for local people who are hardest hit through our Southwark Cost of living Fund, plus the launch of our Southwark Energy Savers service and Warm Spaces programme.”

Councillor Stephanie Cryan, cabinet member for communities, equalities and finance, said: “We cannot stand aside and wait for support to come from elsewhere, our residents need us now. They need our reassurance and tangible ways we can help them – and that is what we are doing. At our summit, we are setting out the clear package of support we have available to them – financial and practical, as well as the campaigning we have been doing on their behalf to push for change which would mean more money in their pockets and food on the table. Our incredible front-line workers will be able to get the message out there that we’re here to help.”

Today’s summit is a day of information sharing and listening, which will hear from those who work directly with residents and the community who are most affected by the cost of living. This includes those who receive benefits and are unable to afford heating and lighting, children in school who are going hungry, the homeless, the sick and elderly who need the care of the NHS and local authority.

These professionals are joined by directors of housing, public health and exchequer at the council, Tim Clark from Citizen’s Advice Southwark, Cathy Deplessis, director of Southwark Pensioners, Shelter, the Heat Trust, and more.

More ways the council is supporting its residents can be found here

Page last updated: 08 November 2022

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