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Southwark’s progress against its Borough Plan

10 March 2022

Measures to tackle climate change, build new homes and create jobs for local people are at the heart of Southwark Council’s progress against its Borough Plan in the period 2018-2022, as outlined in a report to Cabinet this week.

Southwark’s Council Plan, which outlines the council’s priorities and programme of work, was published in November 2018. The plan was refreshed in November 2020 to reflect the impact of the pandemic, when it was re-named the Borough Plan.

Despite the effects of COVID in the last two years, significant progress has been made to deliver the commitments in the Borough Plan to make life better for Southwark’s residents including:

  • Measures to tackle climate change such as halving Southwark’s carbon emissions and planting 10,000 additional trees in the borough
  • Building 255 new council homes with progress already underway on a further 1,586 properties
  • Helping 300 rough sleepers off the streets and into long-term homes
  • Supporting 5,500 residents into employment and issuing more than £25m support in grants and retail relief for local businesses during the pandemic
  • Opening The Nest, a ground-breaking new mental health drop-in service for young people
  • Rolling out free school meals to nursery school and providing free meals in school holidays, so no child in Southwark need go hungry
  • Supporting 73,000 vulnerable residents during the pandemic through the council’s Community Hub, which distributed more than 29,500 food parcels
  • Opening new libraries including Walworth Library and Southwark Heritage Centre, which has hosted 2,000 visitors per week

Cllr Keiron Williams, Leader of Southwark Council, said: “I am proud the council has continued delivering for our residents, even during the most difficult years we have faced as a borough. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, our staff have worked hard to keep services running and support local businesses and residents, as well as delivering on the ambitious commitments set out in our Borough Plan.  Over the last four years, we have taken bold action to make Southwark fairer, greener and safer, to build more homes local people can afford, to create jobs and opportunities for residents, and to give young people in our borough the best start in life.

“I’d like to say a huge thanks to all our staff, partners, community groups, volunteers, businesses and residents who have helped us to deliver our ambitious Borough Plan. There is still more to do, and I look forward to working together to continue delivering for Southwark residents, and making the borough stronger, greener and more equal in the future.”

Page last updated: 10 March 2022

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