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Southwark commits to resettling refugees from Afghanistan

27 August 2021

The distressing situation in Afghanistan demands a compassionate and urgent response from national and local government alike. Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of those killed and wounded in the appalling attack outside Kabul airport. This devastating event underlines the terrible tragedy that is unfolding before our eyes, as many thousands of Afghans desperately seek safety overseas. With around 80,000 Afghans in the UK - many of whom are British citizens and a large proportion of whom are in London boroughs - we have a duty to offer safe and legal access for refugees and asylum seekers fleeing the brutality of the Taliban. 

We have particular concern for women and girls facing cruel repression and discrimination, and for Afghan people who have supported the British civil and military authorities in their country in various ways. With more than three million people in Afghanistan displaced, we must all do our share to minimise the scale of the catastrophe. 

The London Borough of Southwark has a long and proud history of supporting people fleeing persecution overseas. The Government must urgently establish the Afghan Citizens’ Resettlement Scheme and provide further detail and guidance on its implementation. We have made clear our commitment to resettle refugees in Southwark under this scheme.

Southwark Council has already committed to participate in the Afghan Local Employed Staff Relocation Scheme and has resettled families through the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme. Those fleeing persecution in Afghanistan must, at a minimum, be afforded the same rights and protections as under the wider UK Resettlement Scheme. The Government must also ensure councils have the resources they need to support people through an incredibly distressing time. 

We are working with local Afghan community leaders and local organisations to help direct the appropriate support to refugees. Southwark will always stand ready to play our part in resettling those who need sanctuary.
Cllr Kieron Williams, Leader
Cllr Jasmine Ali, Deputy Leader
Cllr Alice Macdonald, Cabinet Member for Equalities, Neighbourhoods and Leisure

Home Office helplines for those in Afghanistan:

For more information about local services please ring our community hub: 020 7525 5000, option 3.

Community Southwark: how you can help

Page last updated: 27 August 2021

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