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“The results speak for themselves”- Southwark schools continue to perform above national averages

14 December 2018

The annual Schools Standards Report has shown that Southwark is consistently performing above national averages across key development and academic measures.

The report presented at cabinet on Tuesday 11 December also highlighted that 90 per cent of schools in Southwark are judged by Ofsted as providing good or outstanding educational provision, an increase of 13 percentage points since 2012.

Southwark consistently outperforms in early years provision. Continuing a five year upward trend of successful outcomes, Southwark is positioned in the top quartile nationally for the percentage of children achieving a good level of development.

Southwark is also in the top quartile of local authorities in England for Year 1 phonics performance. The latest results for Southwark are above national and in line with London averages.

There has also been year on year improvement in Key Stage One expected standard performance for writing which remains above national and London averages. There has been sustained improvement in reading and maths, with both above national averages.

At Key Stage Two, when compared to all local authorities in England, Southwark is positioned in the top quartile for the key measure of reading, writing and maths combined and continues to demonstrate good development in this area. Southwark is also consistently above national averages for maths and science.

Pupils and teachers have responded remarkably well to the new examination demands at GCSE level. Despite continual change and challenge, exam results in Southwark as a whole have remained above both London and national averages.

Likewise, A Level outcomes at grades A*-C and A*-E have also remained above national levels.

The most recent Ofsted inspection found that the achievements of children in Southwark with special education needs and/or disabilities at the end of all key stages compared favourably with those of other pupils nationally.

Cllr Jasmine Ali, cabinet member for children, schools and adult care, said: “From early years right through to A-Levels the picture in Southwark is very positive. The results speak for themselves, reflecting excellence in our schools and the hard work of teachers, pupils and parents right across the borough.

“The results found in this report, combined with the council’s successful school building programme, will help equip parents and young people to make good choices when applying for a school place. The council has in recent years spent over £200 million in improving schools and education services right across the borough and making sure that our schools are high quality hubs for their community. Our headteachers, staff, parents and children have told us of how the improved quality of their learning spaces has made a difference to their learning and working lives.

“We want all our pupils in Southwark to get the start they need to meet their dreams, whichever path in life they choose. Teachers, students and of course parents, should be very proud of themselves for improving results.”

The full report is available online.

Page last updated: 14 December 2018

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