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“I’ve felt really supported by the team at Southwark”- the team getting people home for the holidays

17 December 2018

With Christmas Day just around the corner and thoughts turn to family, food and festivities it can be easy to overlook everyday actions that we do without a second thought.  However, for some older people coming home from hospital it can be hard to get back into their old routine and regain their independence.

That’s where Intermediate Care Southwark steps in. Specially trained community staff from Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust alongside occupational therapists and social workers from Southwark Council provide support to help residents get back on their feet after a hospital stay.

The aim of the service is to put people back in control and on the road to regaining full independence. The team works with people to increase their ability to do day-to-day tasks by themselves, building on what they can do already and achieving goals they set for themselves.

Milena said of her experience using the Intermediate Care service after being discharged from hospital: “When I first came home from hospital until everything was up and running I felt a bit isolated. But once everything was in place I had every help, I was assessed for physio, my occupational therapist Lucy visited and I had a seat fitted on the bath. The same person comes to see me and I feel like I’ve had lots of support. My physio has been excellent; they’ve helped me get back on my feet.

“The whole service has helped morale wise. When I came out of hospital I felt a bit fragile but it was a real boost knowing that someone was there to help or at the end of the phone. On one my first visits I was given lots of phone numbers and told if there were any problems to call and that felt really good.

“I’ve been able to regain a lot of independence and I’ve been making good progress. Someone is always monitoring how I’m doing and giving tips on how I can help myself, for example they pointed out that rugs can be a trip hazard.

“I’ve felt really supported by the team at Southwark, when your morale is up it really helps you on your way to a speedy recovery. I like to get on with things, I still wash and blow-dry my hair, put some make up on- it’s all part of the recovery process for me.

“Sometimes you need someone to back you up a bit, you can only do so much yourself.  I’m happy to be back home, nothing can beat your own home can it?”

Cllr Jasmine Ali, cabinet member for children, schools and adult care, said: “It is fantastic that this collaborative programme is helping people back into their own homes and build up their independence. A fall or a spell in hospital can be a hugely disruptive experience that can have a significant emotional impact as well as a physical one.

“As Milena says, there’s nothing like your own home and this service is intended to equip people with the skills they need to carry on leading independent lives at home. This service is providing real benefit to our residents lives when they need it most.”

Page last updated: 17 December 2018

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