The London Marathon
19 April 2017
This Sunday 23 April, the London Marathon will be held for the 37th time. Each year huge numbers of spectators cheer on over 39,000 runners who this year are expected to raise in the region of £60 million for their chosen charities.
The route passes through Southwark around the Rotherhithe peninsular and along Jamaica Road and Tooley Street before crossing Tower Bridge. On the day, road closures will be in place from 8am until around 4pm. Placing pedestrian and road closure barriers along the entire route takes some time and many are already in place.
This year, in addition to the normal barriers used to effect road closures, a number of key points along the route will also be protected by more substantial barriers. The barriers have a gate which will remain open until the time of the race.
Within Southwark the race organisers will be installing these barriers at the junction of Tooley Street and Tower Bridge Road. The barriers must be installed in advance and will be positioned during Thursday night and removed as soon as possible after the race. Thank you for your patience and understanding, in support of this great event.
Page last updated: 19 April 2017