Health and care trio team up for trailblazing new strategy
17 November 2016
The trio will launch a new strategy to offer the best possible services for residents.
This is the first time that a local Clinical Commissioning Group has been brought in at this level to add their voice to proposals on how local authorities can work more cohesively with the local voluntary and community sector – and is in direct response to the challenges brought about by austerity and the growing demands and complexity of the needs of people relying on social care and health services.
Cllr Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for communities, said: "This is about giving the voluntary sector a level of attention beyond patronage, with a greater focus on what the actual needs are in the borough. This is our opportunity to go out into the community and really make a difference.
"The council recognises the many benefits that the voluntary and community sector can bring to help support our services and they have proven themselves time and time again to be innovative and flexible, and operate at the most grass roots level, working with and for our communities and in particular groups of people that traditionally the council has found it hard to reach.
"There is a shared recognition that to continue to offer the best services we can to the people of Southwark there is a compelling need for a better alignment between the council, CCG and the voluntary organisations and I know together we can make this work."
The full strategy can be found on the council’s website.
Page last updated: 22 November 2016