We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 

Using library computers, tablets and Wi-Fi

Library computers acceptable use policy

The computer facilities in Southwark Libraries are intended primarily to support access to educational and community information resources. Priority may be given to customers wishing to access such material.

Customers must produce a valid Southwark library card number and password to access Southwark Library computers. If you don't have a membership card staff will be happy to provide you with a guest card - we'll require one proof of ID with your name and address details. If you do not know your password you can reset it online via the library catalogue or by speaking to a member of staff.

Southwark Council reserves the right to block sites judged inappropriate or identified as a potential risk to the network. Customers using public access PCs are required to abide by these restrictions.

Please note we cannot guarantee access to web based email facilities such as Hotmail or Yahoo.

The ICT facilities must not be used to:

  • access or distribute material of a pornographic, violent, racially or religiously offensive nature or other undesirable or inappropriate material as judged by Southwark Council
  • take part in illegal activities or view or distribute illegal materials

Where deemed appropriate as judged by Southwark Council, websites have been filtered or blocked to protect both customers and the Southwark Libraries ICT network. Southwark Libraries operate a fair usage policy and this includes restrictions against sites using high bandwidth to deliver content. This ensures that access to the service is fair and the optimum number of customers can use the service.  Restrictions are at the discretion of Southwark Council.

Children and young people under 18 may only use library computers that have filtered access to the internet. Where filtered internet access is not available, they must be accompanied by an adult.

To prevent inappropriate activity, chat facilities have been blocked on child access PCs and severely restricted on adult PCs.

The use of a digital device to record video or photographic images of other library users or library staff is strictly prohibited. Any person found in contravention of this policy may be subject to legal action.

Any person found posting such images on public access forums or sites, and most especially where that material may bring the library service into disrepute or where that material is deemed to constitute cyber bullying, may be subject to legal action.

Activity on public access PCs in Southwark Libraries is monitored to ensure that any threat posed to customers or to the Southwark Council network through inappropriate use is minimised.

Please ensure that you lock or terminate your session if you leave a PC unattended. Southwark Council takes no responsibility for the security of personal data accessed using library PCs.

For your own security and privacy, we advise you not to use library computers to broadcast personal details, including online financial transactions. Southwark Council takes no responsibility for any failure to retrieve/save booking or transaction confirmations or receipts.

Southwark Council takes no responsibility for the security of any data sent to the open access printers by customers using library PCs.  Use of the print facilities is at the customer's own risk. Printing charges are applied for each printed side of A4 not per page printed.

Users are permitted to save information to USB storage pens only. It is not possible to save data to the PC hard drive or to use floppy discs, CDs, CD ROMs or DVDs in library PCs. Please note that any data saved by a customer on the PC during a booking will be wiped automatically when the session ends. No customer data is stored or saved.

Southwark Libraries takes no responsibility for any loss of data or damage to users’ personal devices used with library PCs.

With the exception of headphones or USB storage devices, users are not permitted to attach personal equipment [including mobile phones, MP3 players, laptops/netbooks or cables of any kind] to library PCs or equipment.

Wilful damage of a library computer or computer network and/or breach of this policy may prevent you using the library and/or our computer facilities in future.

Southwark Council takes no responsibility for the content, accuracy or currency of the information you may obtain via library PCs.

Customers accessing ICT services in Southwark Libraries must agree to abide by the conditions of use outlined in this acceptable use policy.

If you have any queries about this policy, email us.

Page last updated: 23 November 2023


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