Free swim and gym

Southwark residents can use swimming and gym facilities for free in all of our leisure centres
You can get free access at the following times:
- all day Fridays (check with your local leisure centre for any exceptions)
- Saturday and Sunday (from 2pm to closing)
- adults aged over 60 years can take part in any Silver sessions free throughout the week
- disabled residents who meet the eligibility criteria, can use every leisure centre free, seven days a week
It is easy to register for this great offer, you can:
- register for free swim and gym
- use a computer at your local library to register for swim and gym
- ask the front-of-house team at your local leisure centre to register an account for you
To get registered, take proof of identification and your home address to your local leisure centre and collect your membership card (available the day after registration).
If you wish to use the gym, call or visit your local leisure centre to book an induction appointment (this is not required for swimming).
If you’re a resident your GP or other medical experts can refer you for other free exercise programmes.
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- Facebook @SouthwarkLeisure
- Instagram @southwarkleisure
Page last updated: 10 August 2023