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Work as a Social Worker in Southwark

Children's Services - our practice principles

Principal Social Worker - Audit and Practice Development Service Manager, Children's and Adults' Services
Daniel Comach, Principal Social Worker - Audit and Practice Development Service Manager

Our vision for all our children and families is a simple one: We want all children and young people in Southwark to grow up in a safe, healthy and happy environment where they have the opportunity to reach their potential.

We will achieve this through our mission of Putting Children First and Keep Families Strong.

Putting Children First

We prioritise the right of all children and young people to grow up safe, healthy and happy. We actively support them to do this in their own families and communities when it is safe to do so.

Keeping Families Strong

We work with parents and carers, and the networks and services around them to enable their families to be safe, healthy and happy.

Our practice principles

To deliver our vision, all our services need to work toward common principles. These are the golden threads of our practice.

Child/Young Person centred

Hearing and championing the voice of children. Understanding their experience. Responding with active listening and participation.

Family Minded

Providing opportunities and tools for families to set goals together and achieve them.

Strengths Based

Considering first what people can do with their skills and resources, and what their families and communities can offer.

Evidence Informed: 

Using the views and experiences of young people and families. Considering these alongside practitioner expertise, and research.

Relationship Based 

Working with people, not doing to or for them. Developing and supporting meaningful relationships, with compassion and respect.

Outcome Focused

Working with purpose to achieve the aspiration, goals and priorities of those who use our services.


Working in an open and transparent way. Understanding the difficulties children, young people and families face. Promoting a just culture based on rights and accountability.


Thinking about what we do and have done, what we know and need to know. Questioning our understanding and assumptions, and those of others. Continually learning.

Ofsted report November 2022

Our most recent Ofsted inspection in 2022 was graded as ‘good’ in all areas. The children in our care said we are a “special council and are like a family to them”.

Ofsted said: “Staff enjoy working in Southwark. Their morale is high, and they appreciate the high level of support, the career progression opportunities, the learning and development offer and the ambition that the organisation has for them.”

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Page last updated: 24 April 2024


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