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Adaptations to your home

Funding for adaptations

If you are a council tenant

You will not have to pay anything towards costs. Our Housing Adaptation Team (HAT) will carry out works based on the recommendations. Email Housing.AdaptationsTeam@southwark.gov.uk or phone 020 7525 1866.

If you are a homeowner, private tenant or housing association tenant

You may be entitled to a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) to pay towards adaptations. The maximum grant is £30,000.

Read more about the Disabled Facilities Grant and who can claim it.

Our Home Improvement Agency (HIA) can advise you. 
Email Home.ImprovementAgency@southwark.gov.uk or phone 0207 525 1873.

If you are a disabled person in receipt of any pass-porting benefits, you will be eligible for 100% of the grant. The grant cannot be given until our Occupational therapy service has recommended that your home needs to be adapted.

The grant is means-tested for people aged over 19, so some people may have to pay a contribution towards the required work.  

Funding the adaptations yourself

If you're not a council tenant and not eligible for the Disabled Facilities Grant, you will need to pay for the adaptations yourself. A financial counsellor from ourHome Improvement Agency can help you decide how to do this. You can still use our approved contractors, but there will be a charge for the service.

Managing the adaptations yourself

After receiving a recommendation from the Occupational therapy service, you can manage the adaptations yourself if you wish. This is the case whether you receive a Disabled Facilities Grant or fund the work yourself. You can choose your own building company, prepare plans, and manage the works. Our surveyor will be able to give advice and sign off the works when complete. 

Page last updated: 14 July 2023


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