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Flood asset register

We maintain a register of assets that have a significant impact on the risk of flooding. This is required under section 21 of the Flood and Water Management Act (2010).

A flood asset is a structure or feature that can affect the flow or storage of water.

For example, a wall next to a river could stop water from flooding houses during heavy rain. This could be considered an asset. Pipes in the ground, bridges and roadside gullies are other examples of assets that can affect flood risk.

Assets in your local area

The Flood Asset Register is an online record of assets in Southwark. It contains information about the location, condition and ownership (where available) of each asset. The register does not show you where there is a risk of flooding, but you can use it to see what assets are in your local area.

View the Flood Asset Register on Southwark Maps 

Designated structures or features that may reduce flooding

As the Lead Local Flood Authority, we have powers to designate structures or features with a significant impact on flood risk. This is done to protect structures or features that play a role in reducing flood risk.

If a structure or feature has been designated it usually means that a number of properties would be at a greater risk of flooding if it was removed.

The Environment Agency also have powers to designate structures  

A record of the designation will be put onto the Local Land Charges so that future land owners will be made aware of the designation. Once we have designated a feature, the owner must seek consent from us to alter, remove, or replace it.

If you make a change to a designated feature without our consent, we may issue an enforcement notice. This will set out the steps that must be taken to restore the feature.

You may appeal against a designation notice, refusal of consent, conditions placed on a consent or an enforcement notice.

Contact the Flood Risk Management Team to find out the structures that have been designated and discuss consent for making alterations.

Page last updated: 30 May 2024


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