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Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

The Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) provides a high-level summary of significant flood risk. It describes both the likelihood and consequences of past and future flooding. The PFRA considers flooding from the following sources: surface runoff, groundwater and ordinary watercourses and any interaction these may have with main rivers and the sea.

The key objectives of the PFRA

  • Collect information on past and future (potential) floods within the study area
  • Assemble this information into a report
  • Review the indicative Flood Risk Areas delineated by the Environment Agency
  • Explain and justify any amendments to these areas where necessary
  • Provide a summary of the systems used for data sharing and storage
  • Provide a summary of arrangements for quality assurance, security and data licensing
  • Describe how we collaborate on collection, assessment and storage of flood risk data and information
  • Identify relevant partner organisations involved in future assessment of flood risk
  • Summarise means for future and ongoing stakeholder engagement
  • Provide a useful reference point for all local flood risk management and inform future local strategies

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

Page last updated: 14 June 2023


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