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Active Southwark Sport Fund

Funding Eligibility and Criteria

Organisations applying for the fund should meet our ‘minimum requirements’ standard, as currently required by organisations booking council facilities (must have a constitution, safeguarding policy, and insurance - see point 13).

Grants are only payable to constituted groups with the correct governance and structure (for example, Tenants and Residents Associations, community interest groups, sports clubs, schools, local charities, and limited companies by guarantee which demonstrate they are non for profit). A set of accounts will be required to show solvency and income/expenditure for that financial year demonstrating a record of sustainability.

Applications must be able to meet all of the following criteria:

  1. All funded projects must be delivered in the London Borough of Southwark
  2. Applications must show a clear demand/need for the investment, with some evidence to back this up, for example, a survey of residents
  3. Applications must have a strong commitment to being more inclusive of D/deaf and disabled people with specific details on how this will be achieved
  4. All funded projects will be required to record participation data and supply this information showing the engagement and impact with the funding
  5. Applications must align to one of the Active Southwark strategy themes and have a clear stated outcome(s) for residents (contact an officer is this needs more explanation).
  6. The project must help to grow the number of residents being physically active as a core aim, with a proportion being people that are not being active regularly.
  7. Activities that are created because of a grant should be free or charged to local residents at an affordable price, have no limitations on access including discriminatory or membership policies
  8. Applications must support the commitments made by the council through the Southwark Stands Together agenda
  9. Applications must demonstrate a sustainable delivery model that will not require ongoing/regular funding from the council.
  10. Provision of evidence of or a plan to obtain match funding for large grant applications
  11. Applications must be from a non-profit making club/organisation and re-invest any surplus revenue back into the sports club/organisation
  12. Applicants must declare any other funding grants received for this project and provide evidence of up to date accounts.
  13. It is recommended that any sports or physical activity organisation should meet the council’s minimum requirements for organisations using council facilities (has a constitution, safeguarding policy, health and safety policy, equity statement, code of conduct, insurance, bank account, national governing body affiliation and coaching qualification where relevant). All applications must submit all additional documents as evidence of this as mentioned in the additional documents attachment
  14. Please note an organisation can only apply for one project in each round.
  15. We have an expectation that projects applying for larger grants need to consider incorporating the following in their project plans:
  • variety of sports or physical activity programmes.
  • serve a diverse population
  • show collaboration with other community organisations
  • serve at a minimum either a year or a sports season
  • large grants must show additional benefits to the programme such as exit routes, mentoring, education, and employment
  • must either be borough wide provision or evidence of how they will attract people from all of Southwark

Page last updated: 05 August 2024


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