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Southwark Disability Forum (SDF)

The Southwark disability forum (SDF) is a user led disabled people's organisation which holds regular meetings to discuss local and/or national issues which impact on the lives of disabled people. It also campaigns for disability rights and equality, and for human rights.  

The SDF's membership is made up of disabled people in Southwark and representatives of disability organisations that operate in the borough. It informally monitors the policies and work of the council, local NHS services and those of other organisations delivering public services - including transport - to disabled people in Southwark. SDF also makes recommendations, actively participates in consultation processes, and initiates projects that empower and build the capacity of disabled people to live independently and participate fully in public life.  

SDF invites speakers to come to talk with or to consult members about local and national issues affecting disabled people in Southwark. Disabled Southwark residents and representatives from local disability organisations and groups are welcome to forum meetings and to participate in discussions. 

Contact us for more information about Southwark disability forum or about meeting dates.

Page last updated: 19 September 2017


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