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Community Right to Bid

Making a nomination

It's important that your community group is eligible to nominate a property. A group will only be eligible to nominate if you can answer yes to the two questions below:

  • do you have a local connection (for example, are the group’s activities wholly or partly concerned with Southwark or a neighbouring borough)
  • are you an unincorporated community group with at least 21 members who are on the Electoral Register in Southwark; or a parish council; or a charity; or an industrial and provident society; or a designated local neighbourhood forum; or a company limited by guarantee (which doesn't distribute any surplus it makes to its members); or a community interest company

To nominate a property you must provide evidence of your eligibility to nominate.

You must also inform us of the address of the property, details of the owner (if known), the extent of the site and why you feel it's an asset of community value. 

A building or land is deemed to be of community value if, in the opinion of the council:

  • an actual current main (non-ancillary) use of the building or land furthers the social interests or social wellbeing of the local community, and it is realistic to think that there can continue to be a main use of the building or land that will further the social interests or social wellbeing of the local community, although not necessarily in the same way, or
  • main use of the building or land in the recent past furthered the social interests or social wellbeing of the local community and it is realistic to think that the building or land can be brought back into use in the future

Please send any nominations to CommunityRighttoBid@southwark.gov.uk.

Expression of interest in bidding for the property

Page last updated: 27 August 2024


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