Community wardens
Community Wardens and Park Liaison Officers (PLOs) provide a reassuring uniformed patrol presence on Southwark's estates, streets, parks and open spaces. They address concerns of crime, anti-social behaviour (ASB), and environmental crime through targeted operations and patrols in areas of most need.

They're also a valued and flexible resource that contributes to the overall effort in supporting the organisation when responding to incidents or major events.
Community Wardens and PLOs:
- provide a visible and re-assuring patrol presence to keep people safe
- respond to pro-active and re-active concerns for crime, environmental crime and ASB
- remove knives and other weapons from public spaces
- work in partnership to resolve concerns for welfare and safeguarding, especially in relation to those most vulnerable
- support communities through engagement, education and signposting to services
- take appropriate and proportionate enforcement action through targeted patrols, education, warnings and fixed penalty notices
- provide evidence to police and partners for further action
- support the organisational response to major incidents, emergencies and events
- are trained in Counter Terrorism and Emergency First Aid
- are part of the MPS Community Safety Accredited Scheme - CSAS
The Service comprises of the following teams:

- Aylesbury Estate – wardens attached to the Regeneration Area
- Better Bankside – wardens dedicated to the Business Improvement District
- Estates Team – have a borough wide remit, with an intelligence-based tasking process in place to prioritise resources to the estates in most need
- Town Centre Team – prioritising the busy town centres of Peckham, Camberwell, Walworth Rd, Elephant & Castle and Canada Water, and other areas with an active night-time economy
- PLOs - have an intelligence-based tasking process in place to address the many and varied issues in parks and open spaces throughout the year
Page last updated: 13 March 2024