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Private fostering

Private fostering information for young people

Sometimes your mum or dad may need to ask someone else to look after you for a while.

If you're younger than 16, or younger than 18 if you're disabled, and you stay with someone who isn’t a close relative for more than 28 days it's called private fostering.

The person you're staying with is called a private foster carer. They may be a cousin, a neighbour or a family friend.

If you stay with a close relative like a grandparent, brother, sister, aunt or uncle then this isn’t private fostering, and local authority doesn’t need to be told.

Why we need to be informed about private fostering

The law says that your parent/s and private foster carer must tell us where you are living and who with. The law also says that once we know about you we must make sure you're safe and that your private foster carer is looking after you properly.

Your social worker

When we know that you are going to live with a private foster carer a social worker will visit you. Your social worker will ask you how you feel, and if there is anything you're worried or unhappy about.

They must come to see you every six weeks for the first year. After the first year, they may visit you less often.

You can contact your social worker at any time. You do not have to wait for your next visit.

What your private foster carer will do to help you

They will make sure you:

  • eat regular meals (like breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • have a bed and get enough sleep
  • are clean and have clean clothes to wear
  • see a doctor, a dentist, and an optician when needed
  • go to school and do your homework
  • keep in touch with your family and friends
  • continue with your hobbies and sports

What your private foster carer can’t do

They can’t make big or important changes in your life unless your parent gives permission. Even though you live with a private foster carer your parent/s must still make all the important decisions about your life.

For example, your private foster carer must not:

  • ask you to change your name
  • make you change schools
  • send you to live with another family
  • arrange for you to have medical treatment without asking your parents’ permission

Religion and family customs

Your private foster carer must respect the things that are important to you and your family.

Attending school

If you're under 16 years old, you must go to school - this is the law. Your private foster carer must make sure that you go to school every day.

Helping around the house

In most families, children and young people help out with small chores around the house like washing the dishes and keeping their bedroom clean and tidy.

Support for you

Most children and young people are very happy living in private foster care, but if there are problems we're here to help.

You can message your social worker directly, call 020 7525 1921 or email mash@southwark.gov.uk

If you need to speak to someone at the weekend or in the evening, call us on 020 7525 5000.

Page last updated: 18 January 2024


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