Short breaks

Short breaks are opportunities for disabled children and young people to have time away from their families or primary carers, to relax, have fun and develop their skills and independence. They also provide parents and carers of disabled children with a necessary and valuable break from their caring responsibilities.

Short breaks can range from a few hours to overnight breaks and can take place inside the home or away from it, such as school holiday, weekend or after-school activities.

Short breaks are part of a continuum of services that support disabled children, young people and their families. The level of support a child or young person is entitled to will depend on the severity and nature of their disability. The support is categorised into three levels.

  1. Universal services -These are short breaks that are available to all children and young people in Southwark, whether disabled or not. For more information see Southwark’s childcare webpage, services for young people webpage or ‘One Hub’ for young people.
  2. Targeted services - These are short breaks that provide activities for disabled children only. You can find details about a wide range of activities on the Southwark Local Offer. Southwark’s All Age Disability Service funds activities for children and young people that meet certain eligibility criteria. More information on the criteria and how to access council-funded Targeted Short Breaks is available here.
  3. Specialist services - These are services for disabled children with the most complex needs. There is some specialist provision available through the Targeted Short Breaks offer provided by the All Age Disability Service (link above). If families require support over and above what is available through Targeted Short Breaks then they may be eligible for further support following an assessment by the All Age Disability Team. More information on the All Age Disability Team is available here.

More information

If you have questions or would like more information, speak to your social worker, school or other professionals involved in caring for your child.

You can also call Southwark's family information service for information and advice on 0800 013 0639.

The national regulations define who is entitled to short breaks, what local authorities should provide and what the statement should include. 

View Short Breaks Statement 2024 (PDF, 131kb).


If you're unhappy about the type or level of service on offer, you can complain. We want to resolve any disputes quickly and effectively. In the first instance, contact the team manager for an informal discussion.

If there are continuing concerns, the council has a formal complaints process, which can be initiated by:

Contact us

All Age Disabilities Service 0-25
Children's Services
Southwark Council
132 Queens Road
SE15 2ND

Tel: 0207 525 5372

Page last updated: 22 March 2024


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