Agencies Supporting Southwark Programme (ASSP)

The Agencies Supporting Southwark programme (ASSP) is the quality assurance gateway for all organisations and individuals wishing to work with Southwark's children and young people.

ASSP provides an opportunity to bring together external agencies under one umbrella to provide ease of access to information on these providers of services.

ASSP is guided by the ethos and aims of the Southwark children and young people's plan and the five outcomes of Every Child Matters.

You can search for an agency to suit your needs. Please be aware this isn't a preferred providers list, rather the listed providers meet the preliminary quality assurance requirements for Southwark children's services.

Login or register as a listed ASSP provider. Your details will be accessed by schools and members of staff in Southwark children's services.

Page last updated: 03 July 2019


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